Regarding the task, it will consist of a series of QandAs (Questions and Answers) that will always have the same simple structure: 1 main question and 4 possible answers. Both the question and the answers will be displayed in the same hit for a more user-friendly visualization and will have to be reviewed by you.
Project details:
This task will be performed in the MTPE_QandA_EnglishToGerman Webapp. Just click on QA Actions > START. Let us know if you have problems finding it:
This is the UI you will find when entering the webapp:
1. Bullet points.
You will find that the main question is separated from the possible answers with bullet points, this will appear in the Source Text, Machine Translation and Proposed Translation. Kindly note that you must not add any bullet points or dot symbols to the answers, as they already implemented in front of the textbox. So please make sure to always double-check before submitting your review that they are not added.
2. Paragraph checks.
We have also added a new paragraph check that will warn you before submitting your review only in those cases where there are more line breaks than expected in the question textbox. This should be a helpful tool for you since line breaks are sometimes not detectable in a first glance. This pop-up message will be shown if there are more paragraphs than expected. Note that one line break is added by clicking the enter key once, so in case the pop-up appears make sure to check that all line breaks match the source text.
3. Radio buttons.
You will also find boxes in the OneForma editor interface as per client requirements. You can find more detailed information regarding these in our MTPE Guidelines.
1. You don’t use any kind of MT engine or AI tools since it is completely forbidden. If we detect any evidence of using MT, the team member will be removed from team and the wc done by this user, won’t be included in PO.
2. You don’t submit strings unedited if the MT needs some kind of correction. This could be considered cheating behavior and affect their LQA score.
3. You don’t change the MT if it’s perfectly correct, there is no need to rephrase it or force changes.
4. It is absolutely forbidden to work with more than one OneForma tab opened in the browser. The system will detect this practice and penalize the user. Failure to follow this rule may lead to serious issues in the final file and penalizations. Only one tab can be open at the same time.
5. Emoji should be reflected in the target translation EXACTLY as they appear in the source. I.e. If you find this: :) in the source string, you should write :) or : ) in the target. Don’t change it for : -) or = ) or ;) or any other emoji. Also if you see
in the source, the same
should appear in the target, don’t change it for <3 :) or write (heart)(happy face).
The only exception to this rule is that in your culture it is more common to use i.e. : -) instead of whatever emoji you see in the source. Please don’t change emoji as per your preferences or likes.
6. If you detect any misbehavior in the tool (i.e. spelling checker not working, slowness, emoji not present in source, source blank), please report us immediately. Your support and communication is very important for this task.
Please, make sure you consistently check the linguistic instructions.
1. MTPE Instructions
2. Specific Language conventions
3. Oneforma instructions