=====Review and Adaptation Guidelines===== **Nearly all of the hits can't be approved without adaptation. Adaptation means correcting grammar, typos, and punctuation, as well as adapting vocabulary and expressions, and rewriting parts of the text that are clearly literal translations from English.**\\ 1. **Punctuation:** Some samples still use French punctuation instead of Canadian. Be careful to remove all spaces in front of exclamation marks and question marks.\\ 2. **Literal Translation:** Locate and correct sentences that show the use of an automatic translator (c’est le meilleur, apporte des ajustements à la configuration). Pay attention to changes from “vous” to “tu” in the text and to greeting phrases (examples [[https://vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/24946/la-redaction-et-la-communication/redaction-administrative-et-commerciale/correspondance/courriel/formules-de-salutation-dans-le-courriel|here]]).\\ 3. **Authenticity:** Texts are often too formal and therefore sound more fr-FR than fr-CA. Using vocabulary more specific to fr-CA can help improve this category\\ List of typical fr-CA words and expressions:\\ {{::frca.png|}}\\ **Email category:** Emails need to be written by an individual to another individual or group (not marketing emails, news, notifications, advertisements, promotions, etc.). If the email is in response to another email, the original email text and response should be clearly separated in two text boxes \\ **Email data** has issues with being French from France, not always fitting the email format, and, especially with longer emails, contains more PII (personal identifying information/ALL PII MUST BE TAGGED). This requires more work/time to ‘adapt’ the email to fit the French Canada format and all guidance. Especially on longer emails, you can reject the email if you think there is not enough basic information to adapt/or if the adaptation will take longer than 3-5 minutes or so.\\ **Notes category:** Note content should be posted by an individual. Content could be from a broad variety of topics and contexts, covering both work and life contexts, formal, and informal. \\ **Notes data:** also has issues with being French from France, not always fitting the Notes format, and, especially with longer Notes, has some PII. This requires more work/time to ‘adapt’ the Notes to fit the French Canada format and all guidance. Especially on longer Notes, you can reject the Note if you think there is not enough basic information to adapt/or if the adaptation will take longer than 3-5 minutes or so. \\ **Definition:** The notes that are required for the project are notes that you would write to yourself in a note app. That is why all notes must be personal and should not be addressed to other people. This can include personal reflections, reminders to yourself, lists, procedures or recipes, to-do lists, or anything you can write down so you don't forget or to make your life easier. \\ **SMS category**: SMS must be sent between individuals, not groups. Each thread should contain at least 4 and up to 6 turns and a minimum of 15 words in one thread \\ **SMS data** is generally of the best quality, but overly formal, so your task requires changing SMS texts to match the guidance (spelling/typography/vocabulary/formality levels/PII). This data could be AI generated, or translated, and comes as rejected data from the original Webapp. \\