====== Visual Content Generation ====== Hi Lighthouse Annotator, If you are reading these instructions, it means you have already taken the LE Certification and TA/TC or CYU Certification, and now it is time for you to take the VCG Certification.\\ // Disclaimer: If you still haven’t taken the LE + TA/TC or GYU Certification, please, take the LE first and then TA/TC or CYU before moving on to VCG Certification.// \\ **IMPORTANT: Make sure NOT to skip tasks in certifications because the skipped tasks are automatically calculated as incorrect** Below you can find information about the additional preparation materials for VCG Certification: \\ **VCG Certification** \\ **PREPARATION**\\ Before moving on to taking the certification, please make sure to go through the learning materials provided below:\\ Visit the **[[https://nm.oho2.com/s/ringwi99xsyWS3J|General Guidelines]]**\\ Visit the **VCG guidelines** :\\ **[[https://nm.oho2.com/s/FJLWYwnYjPXoRHP|VCG Image Evaluation Guidelines ]]**\\ **[[https://nm.oho2.com/s/ZMrKSwwym7PL5Ld|Emoji Evaluation Design]]**\\ **[[https://nm.oho2.com/s/ceWn6fRzDnmxXFj|Handwriting Synthesis and Refinement SBS Guidelines]]**\\ **[[https://nm.oho2.com/s/J4Zod7ScSQo8rRs|Image-to-Image Eval]]**\\ **[[https://nm.oho2.com/s/YWrzpKBSRamibW8|VCG - Overview November 14 2024]]**\\ Training recording => **[[https://nm.oho2.com/s/SRqYwTTgS5yCwWk|[Lighthouse] VCG Certification training - New project coming asap-20241128_110317-Meeting Recording]]**\\ //adding info...// **IMPORTANT NOTES FOR CERTIFICATION:** - **Scope:** You will receive a notification “No more tasks available” once you complete the certification. The certification will be considered completed and sent to review only after you submit all tasks and reach notification “No more tasks available”. \\ - **Deadline:** Please, do your best to complete the certification as soon as you can.\\ - ** The purpose of Certification** is to check your understanding of the guidelines. It will be reviewed, and we will receive scores. Having a passing score is a prerequisite to participate in project production for DE sub-project. Therefore, please make sure that each submission is in line with the guidelines. Take your time to go through each step of the task and double check everything before submitting – once you submit the task, you cannot go back to it. \\ Thank you! **NEXT** => [[lighthouse_project:de_certification|DE Certification]]\\ **BACK TO** => [[lighthouse_project:about|LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT]]