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Please look at the given text to determine if it’s possible to translate or not. If the text is not translatable, select one of the following:

Source string is not in the expected language: The source has parts that are in a foreign language different than the expected one. Translators should decide whether the foreign-language parts should be translated or copied as is to the translation based on the context.
• If the parts in a different language need to be translated, please select this option and submit the hit as it is.
• If the parts in a different language do not need to be translated (loanwords, language learning texts, etc.), please leave them as they are in the target, translate the rest, and do NOT select this checkbox.

Source is garbled: The source is partially or totally garbled and translation is not possible. Example: “klñafjgljkalkjoriajtljalkgtjaljg”. Even if it’s just a sentence that is garbled, translators must select “Source can’t be translated”, mark this checkbox and submit the hit as it is.
▪ Source is nonsensical: The source contains real words but collectively has no meaning. Example: “to it see done if three use”.

Source does not form a coherent unit with well defined structure: Refer to examples in the table.

None of the above: Please describe the issue.


If the text is translatable, please translate it having the context in mind. The context will be shown in an expandable way before and after.


Once you have translated the text, please select the domain that best describes the document from one of the following categories: e-commerce, reference/educational, social media, literature, or other.


Source not in the expected language

• Text in a different language needs to be copied to the translation: If the text in a different language needs to be copied as is into the translation, do NOT select checkbox and translate normally.

Text in a different language should not be translated: Select the checkbox and submit the hit without translating it.

Garbled text:


isaac_project/en/long_context/1_instrft.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/02 13:15 by sergio