==== ORTHOGRAPHIC STANDARDS AND SYMBOLS ==== Capitalization Please follow the specific capitalization rules of each project:\\ [[isaac_project:ru:human_translation_guide:ht_ru_ling_instructions_0|ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПО ПЕРЕВОДУ, ВЫПОЛНЯЕМОМУ ЧЕЛОВЕКОМ (ЧП) v.2.6]]\\ [[isaac_project:ru:mtpe_ru_guide:mtpe_ru_guide_0|ПОСТРЕДАКТИРОВАНИЕ МАШИННОГО ПЕРЕВОДА (ПРМП) v.2.3]]\\ Hyphen/en-dash/em-dash Make sure you know the shortcuts for the en- and em-dash on your keyboard, do not use hyphen for everything.\\ • Hyphen: - (Use to join words; with no spaces)\\ For example: штаб-квартира, Лас-Вегас, сине-зеленый.\\ • En-dash: – (Use to show ranges in numbers and dates; with no spaces) For example: 9:00–17:00, 2021–2022.\\ • Em-dash: — (Use as a punctuation mark in a sentence; with non-breaking spaces on each sire) For example: Жизнь — это борьба.\\ Ellipsis Ellipsis is written with three full stops, followed by a space.\\ For example:\\ Не знаю… а вдруг?\\ Что… кто… кто посмел?\\ Quotation marks Make sure you know the shortcuts for the right quotation marks on your keyboard, do not use straight quotation marks.\\ Use the French quotation marks: « » with no spaces inside. Example: «Пример»\\ If you have quotations within quotations, use the following format: «Пример „пример“ пример».\\ Exclamation points, question marks or ellipses go inside the quotes:\\ «Кто это сделал?» «Вперед!»\\ Periods or commas, however, are placed after the closing quotation mark:\\ «Добрый день», — сказал он.\\ Им задали прочитать комментарии к «Евгению Онегину».\\ Please avoid using the English punctuation such as the symbols for inches and feet (′ and ″ respectively). Instead, spell out/abbreviate inches as дюймы (д., дм.) and feet as футы (ф., фт).\\ More on combinations of punctuation marks: http://new.gramota.ru/biblio/readingroom/rules/165-oszp\\ Percentages Percentages are written with the % symbol after the number and a non-breaking space between them: 10 %, 50–100 %.\\ Non-breaking spaces Non-breaking spaces should be used before certain symbols and punctuation marks, such as the percentage symbol or an em-dash: 50 %, Хлеб — всему голова.\\ We can also use them, e.g., after initials: А. М. Головин; in acronyms like Ф. И. О. or before units of measurement: 25 г, 2 м. The main idea is to keep all the elements together.\\ Other symbols and characters Always translate & as “and” unless it appears in a proper/company name. Do not use the symbol “#” instead of the word “number”, use № instead.\\ --> Next topic -->[[isaac_project:ru:isaac_specific_guide:6_numbers_specific_conventions|NUMBERS AND SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS]]