==== REFERENCES ==== Standard references Please refer to these standard references for the Russian language.\\ 1. The Russian Language Institute. Link: https://www.ruslang.ru/onlayn-resursy-irya-ran\\ 2. The knowledge portal GRAMOTA.RU. Link: https://www.gramota.ru/ \\ When in doubt about a rule, try searching in their extensive Q&A section: http://new.gramota.ru/spravka/buro/search-answer/?s= by\\ 3. The rules of Russian grammar and punctuation by D.E. Rozental. Link: http://old-rozental.ru/\\ Other good sources Other useful resources to use when translating into Russian include:\\ 4. Classic and context online dictionaries: MULTITRAN: https://www.multitran.com/ REVERSO: https://context.reverso.net/ LINGUEE: https://www.linguee.ru/\\ 5. Thesaurus KARTASLOV: Map of words and expressions, helpful when looking for synonyms and checking rules of usage. Link: https://kartaslov.ru/\\ 6. Acronyms: https://www.sokr.ru/\\ --> Next topic --> [[isaac_project:ru:isaac_specific_guide:3_style_and_tone|STYLE AND TONE]]