==== NUMBERS AND SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS ==== Time and date Time\\ The standard time format in Spanish is “hh:mm:ss”, usually referred to as the 24 hour clock format. Therefore, “9 a.m.” is translated as “9:00 h”, and “10:30 p.m.” becomes “22:30 h”.\\ The “h” after time can be omitted (8:30), yet please mind that if included, it should be joined to the numbers with a non-breaking space.\\ Dates\\ Dates can be written in full form, as in “25 de febrero de 1979” or in a shorted form, as in 2/10/2017 or 2/10/17. (Fundeu recommends not to write a 0 in the left position when the number is lower than 10)\\ Days of the week and months are not generally capitalized.\\ Measurements As mentioned in section 4.6, please use a non-breaking space between numbers and symbols, between numbers and units of measure. For additional information regarding measurements, please check the specific instructions of each project.\\ [[isaac_project:en:en_isaac_2_ht_how_to_translate_on_oneforma|ISAAC_HT_How to translate on Oneforma]]\\ [[isaac_project:en:mtpe:en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_on_oneforma|ISAAC_MTPE - How to translate on Oneforma]]\\ Currencies As mentioned in section 4.6, please use a non-breaking space between numbers and currencies, either if the currency symbol or the currency ISO code is used. For instance: 3 € or 3 EUR.\\ For additional information regarding currencies, please check the specific instructions of each project.\\ [[isaac_project:en:en_isaac_2_ht_how_to_translate_on_oneforma|ISAAC_HT_How to translate on Oneforma]]\\ [[isaac_project:en:mtpe:en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_on_oneforma|ISAAC_MTPE - How to translate on Oneforma]]\\ Decimals and thousand separators As regards numbers, the thousand separator is a non-breaking space for numbers that have more than 4 digits (30 000). Yet, 4 digit figures do not take any space. Please mind that this rule does not apply to years, postal codes, page numbers, articles or law numbers.\\ Moreover, use a non-breaking space between numbers and symbols, between numbers and units of measure, between numbers and currencies, between numbers and time reference. For example:\\ 3000\\ 310 000\\ 3 000 000\\ Decimal numbers take a comma in Spanish: 3,5\\ NEXT TOPIC => [[isaac_project:es:isaac_specific_guide:7_other_examples|Other/Examples]]