==== STYLE AND TONE ==== General style There are specific instructions from the client regarding general style in the guidelines of each project. Please check the corresponding paragraph in the main project instructions: [[isaac_project:en:en_isaac_2_ht_how_to_translate_on_oneforma|ISAAC_HT_How to translate on Oneforma]]\\ [[isaac_project:en:mtpe:en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_on_oneforma|ISAAC_MTPE - How to translate on Oneforma]]\\ Addressing In Spanish the audience can be address in a formal or an informal way depending on the context and text type. The informal tone to address the reader is “tú” in phrases that are simple and natural.\\ Emphasis The emphasis in Spanish can be expressed by syntax, for instance, by placing the most important idea or words at the beginning of a sentence or by the use of colon.\\ Examples:\\ Que sea abogado no significa nada, porque algunos defienden a personas inocentes y otros a los culpables.\\ Está lloviendo: no podremos acampar.\\ NEXT TOPIC => [[isaac_project:es:isaac_specific_guide:4_grammar_syntax|GRAMMAR AND SYNTAX]]