==== MOST FREQUENT ERRORS IN MT OUTPUT ==== - Misinterpretation of words with several meanings (homonyms) \\ - Attribute relationships between sentence parts are interpreted incorrectly, especially in long phrases \\ - Misinterpretation of idiomatic speech and phrasal verbs (“look into”, “make up for”) \\ - Misinterpretation of proper names, trademarks and similar \\ - Extraneous characters and/or words added \\ - Synonyms translated with the same words, resulting in odd style \\ - Omitted content \\ NEXT TOPIC => [[isaac_project:en:mtpe:mtpe_full_instructions:contents:3_webapp_guide|WEBAPP GUIDELINES]] BACK TO => [[isaac_project:en:mtpe:mtpe_full_instructions:contents|MACHINE TRANSLATION POSTEDITING (MTPE) TRANSLATION v.3.1]]