==== MTPE - HOW TO CHECK YOUR QUALITY PERFORMANCE AND SEND COUNTERFEEDBACKS ==== - From the "My Tasks" page, go to the task you want to check the performance for and click **START > View Performance**. {{ :isaac_project:en:mtpe:img8_about_en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_in_oneforma.jpg?400 |}} - The **Performance** page opens. In the upper part called **My Performance**, you can find:\\ - **Quality score**: the quality score that you got for that specific task \\ - **Translations Reviewed**: the number of translations that have been reviewed for that specific task \\ {{ :isaac_project:en:mtpe:img9_about_en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_in_oneforma.jpg |}} In the lower part, called **Translation feedback**, you can find a table with the list of all the strings where reviewers have found mistakes and/or made edits. {{ :isaac_project:en:mtpe:img10_about_en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_in_oneforma.jpg |}} You can use this to compare your original translation with the one submitted by the reviewer. You can also see error category that has been assigned to the mistake/edit. In case of errors you agree with, please learn from the feedback and avoid the same issue in the future. In case you disagree with the correction made by the reviewer, go to the green button and click **Send counterfeedback**. {{ :isaac_project:en:mtpe:img11_about_en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_in_oneforma.jpg |}} This will open a popup where you can add your comment and explain why you disagree with the reviewer’s correction. When you are done, click **Send counterfeedback**. {{ :isaac_project:en:mtpe:img12_about_en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_in_oneforma.jpg |}} This comment will be shared with the Project Managers and will be arbitrated by a third party to decide if the error should be removed from your report or not. \\ NOTE! Make sure to submit polite/professional comments and also make sure to **only comment the corrections you disagree with well-founded and reasonable comments.** \\ Once you have sent a counterfeedback for a hit, no options will be available anymore for you in the report and you will see the pending status like this: \\ {{ :isaac_project:en:mtpe:img13_about_en_isaac_2_mtpe_how_to_translate_in_oneforma.jpg |}} If after our arbitration, we agree with the reviewer and the error is confirmed, you will see a comment with the final arbitration there. If on the contrary we agree with you and consider that the correction made by the reviewer was not valid and/or fair, we will remove the error from your report and it will disappear from the list. Score will be updated automatically as well. \\ BACK TO => [[isaac_project:en:about:1_en_isaac_project_about|ISAAC project]]