==== WEBAPP ==== **WEBAPP FOR TRANSLATORS** This is what the task will look like for translators: {{:isaac_project:en:long_context:15.png|}} The “View Full Context” link, on the top of the source text, opens a pop up window with scrollable text displaying the full document. The following checkboxes will pop up if “Source can’t be translated” is selected. You will have to mark at least one checkbox in order to submit: {{:isaac_project:en:long_context:16.png|}} The following checkboxes should pop up if “Submit” is selected: {{:isaac_project:en:long_context:17.png|}} **WEBAPP FOR REVIEWERS:** This is what the task will look like for reviewers {{:isaac_project:en:long_context:18.png|}} Read the source carefully and it’s translation, making sure to check the context to see if it’s appropriate to the translation, and making any necessary changes to the translation. If the reviewed translation has errors, select the applicable error category from the drop down menu. Error categories that can be selected are: {{:isaac_project:en:long_context:19.png|}} {{:isaac_project:en:long_context:20.png|}} **QUERIES** If you have linguistic queries or doubts about the instructions, raise a ticket to our Query Management System Global Query (C837-Isaac projects) by selecting “Long Context” under the Isaac scope field. Do not raise tickets in Global Query for non-linguistic topics. If you have queries about workflow, rates, payments, or want to report a technical bug (not related to linguistic issues), reach out by email to the PMs. If you do not have an account or you cannot remember your username, reach out to the PMs by email. If you don’t remember the password, you can reset it from the login page. All answers provided outside this tool and by third parties/companies are neither official nor reliable for this project. BACK => [[isaac_project:en:long_context|LONG CONTEXT TRANSLATION INSTRUCTIONS v2.2]]