==== HUMAN TRANSLATION (HT) INSTRUCTIONS v.3.1.1 ==== **Contents** * [[isaac_project:en:human_translation_instructions_v311:2_SOURCE_TEXT_CHECKBOXES|SOURCE TEXT CHECKBOXES]] \\ * [[isaac_project:en:human_translation_instructions_v311:3_TRANSLATION_GUIDELINES|TRANSLATION GUIDELINES]] \\ * [[isaac_project:en:human_translation_instructions_v311:4_WEBAPP_GUIDELINES|WEBAPP GUIDELINES]] \\ * [[isaac_project:en:human_translation_instructions_v311:5_GENERAL_QUALITY_GUIDELINES|GENERAL QUALITY GUIDELINES]] \\ * [[isaac_project:en:human_translation_instructions_v311:6_QUALITY_CRITERIA|QUALITY CRITERIA]] \\ * [[isaac_project:en:human_translation_instructions_v311:7_VIEW_PERFORMANCE|VIEW PERFORMANCE AND COUNTER-FEEDBACK]] \\ **AIM**: populate a Machine Translation engine for ISAAC. You will perform Human Translation (HT) of content into multiple languages and this will be used to train an MT engine and produce automatic translations.\\ **TASK DESCRIPTION**: this task provides a source sentence that you have to translate into the target language. You will have to select a checkbox about the source text (indicating if it’s not in the correct language, or it’s garbled, nonsensical, etc.). Once the checkbox is selected, you must provide an accurate, fluent, and natural translation as a native speaker of the target language would. Avoid literal translations. Depending on the project, 1 or 2 translations for the same source string may be necessary. \\ **CHEATING BEHAVIORS**: cheating behaviors are strictly prohibited and will be punished with immediate removal/ban from the project. The affected wordcount and the additional cost of the rework will be deducted from the PO. Examples include (but are not limited to): \\ • DO NOT use Machine Translation (no matter if edited or not) or any other input from MT engines (like Google Translate, Bing Translator, Deepl, etc.) to provide translations. All edits should come from human translators. \\ • DO NOT translate into the wrong target language or flavor (for example, do not translate into Canadian French as the project only has French from France as target language). \\ • DO NOT use any kind of script, automation, browser add-in, or other third-party tools. \\ • DO NOT retain the source and/or the target for translation memory purposes or any other use case. \\ • DO NOT apply random nonsensical changes to the Translation2 just for the sake of providing it. For example in cases where Translation2 differs just in capitalization, or punctuation, or in a synonym, or when Translation2 contains the explanation of Translation1 content, etc. \\ • DO NOT apply unreasonable omissions (like translating only the first part of the sentence) \\ • DO NOT mark error categories during review without fixing the translation. If there is an error, you must both select the error category and fix the target. \\ **ANY OTHER** cheating behavior from other circumstances or scenarios not explicitly mentioned here that may jeopardize the project and the cooperation with the customer is also extremely prohibited. \\ **FINAL EXPECTED QUALITY**: HUMAN QUALITY. Translated strings should retain the meaning of the source and express it as fluently as possible, as a native speaker of the target language would do. \\ **TEAM MEMBERS**: Translations will be provided by native speakers of target language who are fluent in source language and will be accurate and in compliance with the project translation Guidelines below. \\ **CONTENT**: general news, newspapers, instant messages or comments in social networks, strings extracted from news programs, medical publications, finance, and business documents, or concerning sports, travel, shopping, etc. Sometimes, the customer will attach context for reference. If available, this will be visible in the webapp. Otherwise, assume there is no further reference or context than the string itself. Focus on each string individually, and do not try to find how the strings are related with one another; probably, they are not related at all. \\ NEXT TOPIC => [[isaac_project:en:human_translation_instructions_v311:2_source_text_checkboxes|SOURCE TEXT CHECKBOXES]]